" I am making a case that smashing the two-party system is the key to a better country.”

Please, Sir, I want some more!

I can only wish. Imo, we need a lot more of the likes of Pocock, I’m way less enamoured with the Teals as I see them as more like liberal Liberal’s who are progressive on the standard social issues, but when it comes to class inequality they are more inline with Morrison’s “if you have a go, you’ll get a go” thinking.

I was a Labor voter for close to half my life; I last voted for them in the WA state election in the late 80s and I gave Shorten my 1st preference as I thought he would enact change to CGT etc. I have to admit voting for JH believing the ‘honest John’ tag: vomit! Then the Greens until around 2010, and independent ever since (Albanese has been a big disappointment in every way possible).

The Two Part system is now unsuitable, but L & the LNP will have to be taken to the “Kill House” kicking and screaming”, they will not hand over power willingly. In fact I’d say they’d sabotage the working of parliament to prevent this. I don’t say that lightly, I seriously believe that. Their attitudes are one of complete entitlement.

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Yep, the turkeys will rarely vote for Christmas and much of what LLNP are doing atm is a rearguard action to protect their priviledge. Nothing much to do with governing. People are genuinely angry about it and will take an alternative if it is offered.

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Wonderful discourse, Tim. Exactly as you say. I’m not on any social media now so how can I spread your word?

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Bless you Peter - is political life possible without Facebook? I hope to god that it is. I'm sure social media can be useful, but I'd like to know what the best tools are and how to set things up so that they work for me and not the other way around.

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The best thing is to share it with friends and family and encourage them to do the same. The network effect can be quite amazing. Thanks for your comments.

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This election is our frog in the pond moment with water bubbling quietly but…🤷🏾‍♀️🦾🍉

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I think th frogs have been hopping out and about for a while now. The more the merrier!

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Thanks again Tim, you are are really onto something. I am very weary of the charade in which, before the election in which independents and Greens might hold the balance of power, Labor and Liberal leaders feel they have to swear on a stack of bibles that they will never work with the cross-bench. How dare they! If you're elected to parliament, you work with everyone else in parliament. That's how it works. If you don't want to be in parliament, don't run. But don't burst into tears and run home with your bat and ball if it doesn't turn out just how you wanted it to.

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Drives me insane, Brendan. As you say, how dare they.

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one of your finest TD. Brilliant

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Hi Tim... spot on, as usual. I think we probably need a 'shareable article' soonish so we can distribute among family/friends and spread the word. One that clearly explains how voting ACTUALLY works (for those who are under- or mis-informed). Especially what to consider when directing preferences, how to determine whether independents, Teals or minorites are likely to perform/behave in a minority Govt, whether any of the incumbent ALP/NLP are likely to work with a cross-bench (or whether they'll just throw their toys out of the cot) and the effects thereof. How Reps and Senate work and why these are different, some discourse on checks and balances. I suspect there are some factors at play in the community (i) it's all a bit tribal and like following a particular footie team - even when they're tanking "they'll come good next season" (ii) fear of a hung parliament and not getting anything done (but how is that different to????) You might particularly point out what a circle-jerk really looks like (ie: a 2 party system imploding on the imaginery centre...) Thanks for your work.

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My vague plan is to continue with a series of pieces that will cover these issues, so stay tuned. I hope they help. I am working on one atm that sets out the importance of understanding we are voting for a government, not a party.

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