Jun 28Liked by Tim Dunlop

The ALP & LNP will work together to reduce the threat that independents pose to them. A strong cross-bench that out votes a combined L/LNP is what we need. As to those two claiming it’ll lead to fractured gov, well imo that’s what we’ve had for the last 12 yrs, and I’m more than prepared to tolerate another 10 to see their combined power muted. We need a strong third force in politics that isn’t driven by party policy paid for by donations.

As an aside, how long will I need to read about Albanese nearly in tears, this time over “threats” to his family by some 16-18 yr old. FFS, how was this kid going to get past all the security that his family will have around them. Those tears are as valid as his “poor old ma” tears some time back. I’ve got no objection to men crying, but his comes across (to me) as not objectively warranted.

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I hadn't seen the threat story. Will follow up.

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Tim, it was the kid who walked into the Labor MP’s office, in this ‘manifesto’ he had allegedly involved Albanese's family.

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I hadn't seen Keane's article, but I had one in The Conversation based on the same facts, but reaching the opposite conclusion. However, we make the transition, we need the state to do a lot more of the heavy lifting


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Thanks for this: great to have some more detail. And the capacity issue is such an important point, as you say, somewhat neglected in the discussion.

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Thanx again Tim, you‘ve hit the nail on the head, expressing exactly how I feel and fear.

That’s why I subscribe to you, and restack your wisdom to share with others.

Please keep up the good fight. I’m with you 100% all the way.

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Appreciate you sharing stuff, CRam...thanks.

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Jun 28Liked by Tim Dunlop

Very insightful and depressing

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A little bit hopeful though, right...?

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Tim, the hope offered through your insight is the clarity offered and the personal resolve to work for the common good with people of good will. The times we are living in are certainly challenging and evolving rapidly into something unknown. Working with this complexity will require all of us to transcend self and lean into deeper values of service, compassion and empathy. - bit sermonic I know - it's what I do!

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Jun 28Liked by Tim Dunlop

Those specific ads are authorised by the Queensland LNP. They also match the branding used by the LNP to lunch racist attacks on Greens candidates in the Council campaign.

Here’s a post from a local Greens MP showing an almost identical flyer, which clearly shows the LNP authorisation:


Queensland Labor’s attacks on the Greens are similar, but they often accuse the Greens of doing deals with the LNP. (Which most voters realise is a lie.)

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Oh, thanks for this.

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Jun 28Liked by Tim Dunlop


I’m still having the “likes” issue and have tried what you suggested. Do you know if there’re any browsers that don’t work well with substack? I’m a technophobe!

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I will make inquiries, Dennis. I just use Chrome. If anyone else has advice, I'd appreciate it.

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Brilliant - what more can one say. The 'These billboards, as well as ads on social media, are being paid for by the Labor Party' is from my local servo - but I'm astounded that it's Labor that put it up. I looked the address & just assumed it was LNP or some RWNJs. Duopoly are worried & so they ought to be.

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That specific ad is authorised by the LNP, you can see it in the authorisation line. Their office is in Albion. But Labor runs very similar ads with slightly different branding and wording. (Ironically, Labor’s ads are about the Greens doing deals with the LNP, which is a ridiculous claim.)

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